FTP Sync software - FTP Synchronizer

High performance and easy to use
FTP file sync product



FTP Synchronizer supports following built-in variables and system environment variables:

Built-in Variables

Variable Name Description
%YEAR2% Two digital year. For example: 07, 08
%YEAR4% Four digital year. For example: 2007, 2008
%MONTH% Use one digital for month when it less than 10
%MONTH2% Always use two digital for month. For example: 01, 02, 10, 12
%DAY% Use one digital for day when it less than 10
%DAY2% Always use two digital for day. For example: 01, 02, 10
%HOUR% Use one digital for hour when it less than 10
%HOUR2% Use two digital for hour is possible. For example: 01, 02
%MINUTE% Use one digital for minute when it less then 10
%MINUTE2% Always use two digital for minute. For example: 01, 02, 10
%SECOND% Use one digital for second when it less than 10
%SECOND2% Always use two digital for second. For example: 01, 02, 10
%PNAME% Profile name. All invalid characters, e.g. \/:*?"<>|, will be ignored.
%FTPHOME% The home directory on FTP server. (only valid for Remote Folder)

System Environment Variables

All system environment variables supported. To find out the exact values, you can type "set" command in DOS prompt window.


You can use variables in profile folder, log file path and filters. FTP Synchronizer will replace them by the real value before sync.

For example:
If the local path is C:\Source%YEAR%-%MONTH%- %DAY% and current date is 12/01/2007. Then, the real path will be C:\Source2007-12-1 when you run the profile.
If the remote path is %FTPHOME%/htmls and the home directory is "/user/home/abc". Then, the real path will be /user/home/abc/htmls

Please notice that the tags are case sensitive.


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